MII No Limits

Pastors, MII Is Now Offering A Way For You to Make Hundreds of Disciples!

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By opening an extension site campus of Ministry International Institute, you will be empowered to offer everyone in your church/ministry a fully accredited Bible course which will train disciples and raise up future ministries. 

For an initial fee of $10,000.00 you can offer a comprehensive two year course that includes all necessary textbooks, as well as the diploma, cap and gown for graduation.  Students pay only a $200.00 fee, which can be divided into two convenient payments, covering their educational materials and graduation esssentials.  You have the flexibility to either gift the remainder of the tuition or charge up to $1,300.00 per student, allowing you to recoup your initial investment and generate profit.

Students that have a GED or High School Diploma will earn 60 credit hours for an Associate in Ministry. The Instructor of the course will have the option to take the course while teaching the course. Instructors will receive 15 credit hours per year for teaching plus they will receive an additional 30 credit hours per year if taking the course. This will enable the Instructor to graduate at the end of two years with 90 credit hours.

Pastor, by going this route you can expect a number of great things to happen. You will be giving a gift to those that may not financially have been able to afford an accredited education. In addition, instead of having a handful of students who were having to pay $1,500.00+ each, you will be opening the door for hundreds of your church members to be trained to walk in love and move in power.

It has been our experience that church growth takes place for those who open a MII Bible Institute. Students become excited as they learn a deeper walk in the Spirit and how to recognize the voice of God. They begin inviting family and friends, ministries are birthed, and deep relationships are formed.

For more info on how you can participate in this powerful opportunity, contact us at  865-938-5544. 3. Classroom of Students2. Older Graduate


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