You asked for it and we said, “YES!”
MII is now offering the Associate Program online. Easily correspond this powerful two year course from the convenience of your home.
Click on the button below to learn more, or if you have any questions, feel free to call us at 865-938-5544.
Pastor Dr. Reginald Alexander
Teaching the Ministry International program has been one of the best opportunities for me and my ministry. My students constantly tell me of the growth and confidence they achieved via the program. It has become evident in their ministries and in their daily example how much the program has added to their lives. I have also grown significantly. My messages and bible studies are much more impactful and resonate more. I am constantly telling people that this program gave us an opportunity to not only read more of God’s Word but to experience God and His message.
David Penn
My name is David Penn and I am an elder at Honey Rock Victorious Church International located in Knoxville, TN where I serve as a Missions Director. Missionary work is one of my many passions. I am a graduate of Ministry International Institute where I received my Master’s degree. I am also continuing my education with MII and am currently enrolled in the Doctoral program. Since attending the school, I have received a vast amount of knowledge that has enhanced my life and how I operate in ministry. I have gone on to create a non-profit organization where I serve as President of Fruit of the Holy Spirit Global Ministry. It has been my pleasure to be able to be an Instructor of the MII Course and I would like to say thanks to Dr. Chris and his wonderful wife, Dr. Yvonne Waller.
Mike Foster
I so enjoy being a student at MII. The other students here are like a close family to me. Every person I’ve met associated with MII I just love and am friends with. The curriculum is wonderful, breathed on by God, and will change your life!
Mickie Kelly
Wouldn’t that be something….In 2010 the Spirit of the Lord walked into my room and declared my healing. My life was in shambles and destruction was all around me. Suicide and disability was the end result of the enemy's violent attack. But the Lord stepped in. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I had never heard of such an encounter with the Lord as mine. Suddenly I was aware that God was with me. I had a new determination to get to know Jesus and learn what the Bible said about him and his ability. A certain joy ignited inside of me that I can’t explain. A spark, a hope that became a burning zeal that to this day permeates in my everyday life. My healing was not instant, it was more like a discovery of healing. As I meditated on scripture like ‘All things are possible to him who believes’ Matthew 19:26, I discovered that I needed to practice the word of God and simply BELIEVE. It started with a thought. I said to myself, ‘Wouldn’t that be something if God were to heal me?’ In the same thought I said ‘Would’t that be something if I were to go back to school and become a Doctor?’ As far fetched as a bird surviving in the ocean or a fish living on the land, I dared to Believe that it was possible. I looked at LMU and even applied to Regent University when in 2014 I saw an ad on Facebook, “Get a degree in your own back yard.” Instantly I knew that this was my opportunity. Here I stand years later completely healed with my Doctorate of Ministry Diploma on my wall with my tassel hanging on the side of the frame. Going to MII was an awesome experience. At the age of 50 I became a student again. Along with other classmates we began a higher level of learning. My favorite part was praying together to practice what we had learned. Before I knew it, we were preaching, teaching, prophesying and releasing a word of knowledge and watching miracles unfold right before our eyes. Arms and legs grew out. My vision was restored in class, and I put my glasses away. I learned how to minister to others and minister the word. I even wrote a book titled ‘How did I get here from there?’ I walked down the Isle of our Graduation with a diploma in my hand and confidence in our heart. I am now equipped to move forward as the Lord leads. All things are possible to him who believes Matthew 19:26
Amy Bray
MII has transformed my life. I’ve learned how to mediate on the Word, pull God’s truths out of it and apply them to my life. It’s equipped me to move forward in my calling and enabled me to minister to others by teaching them the truths that have been poured into me. MII is a place that flows with the love of Christ, operates in the gifts of the Spirit, and equips the body to move forward in what God has designed them to do. I’ve built lasting relationships here and am excited for what the future holds for the students at MII.
Lisa Foster
I love MII. This course is truth. If you're looking for the way, please stop looking. You have found the Word of God delivered in a way that opens your eyes to see the light and love of God. I have been so blessed from taking this course. I have learned so much and I'm constantly blessed by my studies. I pray whoever reads this reaches out and receives from the Lord as I have.
Bishop Rodney Carter
From the very beginning I was impressed with the material that MII presented. The focus on the Bible as a textbook just seems so simple and yet very profound, with attention placed on the scriptures and not on an old opinion. It increased my desire to study as well as making it easier to share with others.
Rick Roper
MII is the best decision I’ve made in my journey to learn the word of God. Dr. Tony Slay is absolutely the most anointed teacher I’ve ever sat under.
Sue Terry
Hi, my name is Sue Terry and I have absolutely loved MII from day one. My personal walk with the Father has gone to a new level in the past year and a half. My eyes have been opened to many new revelations from the Father. I would recommend MII to anyone who wants to learn how to walk in God’s love, learn how to obey the voice of the Holy Spirit, walk in the fullness of God, and strengthen your everyday relationships with others.
Pastor Sybris Harvey
My journey with MII began in January 2014. The anticipation from launching to starting the very first-course "Love that Passes Knowledge" was an adrenalin rush, of joy, excitement, and satisfaction, for in Guyana we do have bible schools but none that offered an Associate's Degree in ministry after completion of two years of studies. I remember my very first class being housed at the Guyana National Library, downtown Georgetown. The classroom was filled and Bishop Dr. Richard Jeremiah took to the front of the classroom and his incredible mastery teaching skills came to the fore-front almost immediately. I and the other students only wanted one thing after that, "MORE". I was never satisfied and the hunger that developed within me grew even more with the passing of each new course. “Melchisedec Priesthood”, a subject that is not taught from our local pulpits to “Blessings of the Overcomer” was another subject that opened the eyes of my understanding even wider. We are in the year of our Lord 2019, and I'm happy to say that my journey was very fulfilling. I was first a student and then a student-teacher, earning for myself a Master's degree in ministry to date. For my other Guyanese cohorts that benefited from the MII "Fullness of God Program" one received his Doctoral, one his Honorary Doctoral, about eighteen others got certificates, along with another eighteen that received Associate's degree and three got Bachelors. MII Makes studying the word of a God simple and edifying, journaling helps each student to foster a more intimate relationship with the father God and the sermon presentations make the introverts' extraverts. This level of training goes deep within the core of each student and brings out every hidden talent God has gifted to them. I can personally testify to this. Coming out of this training I was able to touch the lives of many unbelievers and convert them to believers because MII equipped me with the tools I needed for today's ministry journey, Thank you MII
Pam Green
I am excited about all I have learned from the MII classes! You can look forward to knowing that you will receive an increased understanding of the Bible, which will help you be able to better minister the Word to others.
Pastor Chuck Reeves
MII has given me the opportunity to be able to earn a Biblical degree in a local sitting without being away from my family and my bi-vocational career. It has given me the the ability to preach the Word of God through the discernment of the scriptures. Through the classroom participation you form a bond of accountability partners to help you spiritually mature in your personal walk with God.