Please choose the course(s) below that you wish to order. You have the option to pay for the course in full ($1,325.00) or you can order individual courses as you are ready for them. In order to receive credit hours for courses taken, you must have submitted an Application Form for acceptance into the Master’s Program, have an original transcript on file with MII, and paid the $75.00 start up fee which is included in the cost of Book 1 – Deal With It!.
Below 26 hours of courses are shown for the Master’s Program from which you must choose 24 hours. In addition to taking 24 hours of courses, you are also required to type a 50 page double spaced Thesis. The topic must be agreed to by your Instructor or Faculty Adviser. Your Thesis will be worth 6 credit hours.
Start Up Fee $205.00 (Includes Registration Fee and Book 1) [button text=”Pay Now” size=”medium” url=”” corners=”subtle” /]
Pay Course In Full $1,325.00 (Includes Registration Fee and All Books) [button text=”Pay Now” size=”medium” url=”” corners=”subtle” /]
Once you have paid the start up fee you have the convenience of working at your own pace and ordering as you go. When you are ready, choose options below to place your next order.
[blockquote]Being Led by The Holy Spirit[/blockquote]
[call_to_action_bar text=”Book 2-What the Bible Says About the Holy Spirit $165.00″ txtColor=”#fff” bgColor=”#bb1f05″ buttonText=”Pay Here →” buttonUrl=”” buttonTxtColor=”#fff” buttonBgColor=”#00687e” buttonTxtColorHover=”#fff” buttonBgColorHover=”#004452″ buttonNewWindow=”true” /]
[blockquote]Intercessory Prayer II[/blockquote]
[call_to_action_bar text=”Book 3-Intercessory Prayer $130.00″ txtColor=”#fff” bgColor=”#bb1f05″ buttonText=”Pay Here →” buttonUrl=”” buttonTxtColor=”#fff” buttonBgColor=”#00687e” buttonTxtColorHover=”#fff” buttonBgColorHover=”#004452″ buttonNewWindow=”true” /]
[blockquote]Leadership 101[/blockquote]
[call_to_action_bar text=”Book 4-Effective Keys to Successful Leadership $95.00″ txtColor=”#fff” bgColor=”#bb1f05″ buttonText=”Pay Here →” buttonUrl=”” buttonTxtColor=”#fff” buttonBgColor=”#00687e” buttonTxtColorHover=”#fff” buttonBgColorHover=”#004452″ buttonNewWindow=”true” /]
[blockquote]World Evangelism[/blockquote]
[call_to_action_bar text=”Book 5-Evangelism by Fire $95.00″ txtColor=”#fff” bgColor=”#bb1f05″ buttonText=”Pay Here →” buttonUrl=”″ buttonTxtColor=”#fff” buttonBgColor=”#00687e” buttonTxtColorHover=”#fff” buttonBgColorHover=”#004452″ buttonNewWindow=”true” /]
[blockquote]Healing Ministry[/blockquote]
[call_to_action_bar text=”Book 6-Healing the Sick $165.00″ txtColor=”#fff” bgColor=”#bb1f05″ buttonText=”Pay Here →” buttonUrl=”″ buttonTxtColor=”#fff” buttonBgColor=”#00687e” buttonTxtColorHover=”#fff” buttonBgColorHover=”#004452″ buttonNewWindow=”true” /]
[call_to_action_bar text=”Book 7-Angels $95.00″ txtColor=”#fff” bgColor=”#bb1f05″ buttonText=”Pay Here →” buttonUrl=”” buttonTxtColor=”#fff” buttonBgColor=”#00687e” buttonTxtColorHover=”#fff” buttonBgColorHover=”#004452″ buttonNewWindow=”true” /]
[blockquote]Deliverance Ministry[/blockquote]
[call_to_action_bar text=”Book 8-Pigs in the Parlor $95.00″ txtColor=”#fff” bgColor=”#bb1f05″ buttonText=”Pay Here →” buttonUrl=”″ buttonTxtColor=”#fff” buttonBgColor=”#00687e” buttonTxtColorHover=”#fff” buttonBgColorHover=”#004452″ buttonNewWindow=”true” /]
[blockquote]How to Discern Spirits[/blockquote]
[call_to_action_bar text=”Book 9-How To Discern Spirits $60.00″ txtColor=”#fff” bgColor=”#bb1f05″ buttonText=”Pay Here →” buttonUrl=”″ buttonTxtColor=”#fff” buttonBgColor=”#00687e” buttonTxtColorHover=”#fff” buttonBgColorHover=”#004452″ buttonNewWindow=”true” /]
[blockquote]The Gift of Prophecy[/blockquote]
[call_to_action_bar text=”Book 10-The Power of Prophecy $130.00″ txtColor=”#fff” bgColor=”#bb1f05″ buttonText=”Pay Here →” buttonUrl=”” buttonTxtColor=”#fff” buttonBgColor=”#00687e” buttonTxtColorHover=”#fff” buttonBgColorHover=”#004452″ buttonNewWindow=”true” /]
[blockquote]Your Thesis[/blockquote]
[call_to_action_bar text=”Cost for Thesis $210.00″ txtColor=”#fff” bgColor=”#bb1f05″ buttonText=”Pay Here →” buttonUrl=”” buttonTxtColor=”#fff” buttonBgColor=”#00687e” buttonTxtColorHover=”#fff” buttonBgColorHover=”#004452″ buttonNewWindow=”true” /]