No Limits Online Student Application

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Information Section

  • I hereby state that all the information contained in this application is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that all items related to this application submitted to MII are part of the application process and become the permanent property of MII and will not be returned to me. I understand that upon acceptance of the Application, I become a Student Member of MII. I understand that I must first pay for a course, and then I will receive a course, course testing, and credit hours. Student will receive an Associate of Ministry after the first and second year course work has been completed and all fees paid. I understand that I must submit an official transcript to MII to be able receive credit hours. Upon completion your Diploma will be sent to your instructor in the mail. STUDENT PAYMENT AGREEMENT: I agree to pay to MII $200.00. This fee covers the cost of the textbooks and diploma. Fee is to be submitted with this application. Student, if you are unable to pay $200.00 USD in full, you may make two montly payments of $100.00 each. I acknowledge that no refund will be given.
  • Student Addendum Agreement PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY Non-Discrimination Policy - MII does not discriminate on the basis of nationality, ethnic origin, age, or gender. We guarantee the rights and privileges, and the availability of programs and activities to all students. Privacy Rights of Students - Statute 20, UNITED STATES CODE, 1232g and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. The code provides for an institution to establish a category of student information termed “directory information.” All information, such as health and medical records, disciplinary records, records of personal counseling, required student and family financial income information records, transcripts or student permanent academic records, student placement records and other personally identifiable information shall be open for inspection only to the student and such members of the professional staff of the school as have responsibility for working with the student. Such information will not be released to second parties without consent of the student. Except as required for use by the president in the discharge of his official responsibilities as prescribed by laws, regulations of the state board, and board policies, the designated custodian of such records may release information from these records to others only upon authorization in writing from the student or upon a subpoena by a court of competent jurisdiction. Accreditation - An accrediting organization is a “watchman on the wall”. Webster defines accreditation as to give trust or confidence to; to vouch for; to recommend; to furnish with credentials, as an envoy or ambassador. Every accreditation group is not the same. These are different and focused in different areas of accreditation. Accrediting Commission International (ACI) is an international accrediting commission which holds as its primary objective the encouragement and maintenance of sound scholarship and the highest academic achievement in the areas of private education. Quality education is the goal at all times. Its purpose is the preparation of quality education in private schools, colleges, and theological seminaries. It is a non-governmental body and makes no claim to be connected with the government. U.S. Department of Education schools do not receive credits from this school. A degree covers the major taken with that degree. A student or potential student must understand that credits taken in one type of program may or may not transfer to another type program. This is the sole determination of the receiving institution. The job market is highly competitive. Training is specialized in most fields. A graduate in one field may have difficulty in being hired in a field they are not certified for. By signing this form, I am signifying that I understand the type of degree for which I have applied and neither ACI nor Ministry International Institute is responsible for my employment goals. I understand that Ministry International Institute is primarily a religious school. Credits are not guaranteed to be accepted by secular or state run programs. ACI is primarily a private school association unrelated to a governmental accreditation. DISMISSAL: Students may be removed from the online courses if they fail to make agreed upon payment. I have thoroughly read and understand the above statements.

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