Dr. Vant Hardaway, D. Min. has served the kingdom of God in ministry and evangelism for approximately 45 years. There has been 29 years of official Pastoral ministry. He is a retired educator and school administrator with a cumulative total of 38 years of experience in the profession. He has been married to Dr Janice Hardaway for soon to be 45 years. They are parents of 2 adult daughters and 2 grandchildren.
They serve the kingdom through Hardaway Ministries International working with bible -based principles in evangelism, marriage and couples ministry, leadership, church development and spiritual growth counseling. Dr. Hardaway has degrees from Ministry International Institute, Tennessee Technological University, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and Tennessee Wesleyan University. He is Currently the Executive Board Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Tennessee Wesleyan University.
Involvement with Ministry International Institute
We became associated with M I I in 2010 with our first school, First Church, Sweetwater Bible College. I was Sr. Pastor and we completed a 2 yr. program graduating approximately 23 students. Dr Janice Hardaway and I received the Doctor of Ministry degree from Ministry International. I continue to maintain Bishops and Ministry credentials with M I I
M I I is a God inspired vehicle helping to fulfill the mandate of 2 Timothy 3:15, allowing ministers to shew themselves to be approved , workmen needing not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.