Partnership – Sow Your Seed

Thank you for choosing to partner with us!  Please choose one of the options below to begin sowing your monthly seed.  All payments will come out on the same day every month.  Example: If you choose to sow $100.00 per month on the 10th of the month, each payment thereafter will fall on the 10th.

Proverbs 11:18  “Seeds sown in righteousness will have a sure reward.”


[call_to_action_bar text=”Sow a Seed of $25.00 Per Month” txtColor=”#fff” bgColor=”#bb1f05″ buttonText=”Sow Now →” buttonUrl=”″ buttonTxtColor=”#fff” buttonBgColor=”#00687e” buttonTxtColorHover=”#fff” buttonBgColorHover=”#004452″ buttonNewWindow=”true” /]

[call_to_action_bar text=”Sow a Seed of $50.00 Per Month” txtColor=”#fff” bgColor=”#bb1f05″ buttonText=”Sow Now →” buttonUrl=”″ buttonTxtColor=”#fff” buttonBgColor=”#00687e” buttonTxtColorHover=”#fff” buttonBgColorHover=”#004452″ buttonNewWindow=”true” /]

[call_to_action_bar text=”Sow a Seed of $75.00 Per Month” txtColor=”#fff” bgColor=”#bb1f05″ buttonText=”Sow Now →” buttonUrl=”” buttonTxtColor=”#fff” buttonBgColor=”#00687e” buttonTxtColorHover=”#fff” buttonBgColorHover=”#004452″ buttonNewWindow=”true” /]

[call_to_action_bar text=”Sow a Seed of $100.00 Per Month” txtColor=”#fff” bgColor=”#bb1f05″ buttonText=”Sow Now →” buttonUrl=”” buttonTxtColor=”#fff” buttonBgColor=”#00687e” buttonTxtColorHover=”#fff” buttonBgColorHover=”#004452″ buttonNewWindow=”true” /]


If the amount that you would like to sow monthly is not shown above, please contact the MII office at 865-938-5544 and we will be happy to get that set up for you.

God bless!

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