Pastor Sybris Harvey

My journey with MII began in January 2014. The anticipation from launching to starting the very first-course “Love that Passes Knowledge” was an adrenalin rush, of joy, excitement, and satisfaction, for in Guyana we do have bible schools but none that offered an Associate’s Degree in ministry after completion of two years of studies.

I remember my very first class being housed at the Guyana National Library, downtown Georgetown.  The classroom was filled and Bishop Dr. Richard Jeremiah took to the front of the classroom and his incredible mastery teaching skills came to the fore-front almost immediately. I and the other students only wanted one thing after that, “MORE”. I was never satisfied and the hunger that developed within me grew even more with the passing of each new course. “Melchisedec Priesthood”, a subject that is not taught from our local pulpits to “Blessings of the Overcomer” was another subject that opened the eyes of my understanding even wider.

We are in the year of our Lord 2019, and I’m happy to say that my journey was very fulfilling.  I was first a student and then a student-teacher, earning for myself a Master’s degree in ministry to date. For my other Guyanese cohorts that benefited from the MII “Fullness of God Program” one received his Doctoral, one his Honorary Doctoral,  about eighteen others got certificates, along with another eighteen that received Associate’s degree and three got Bachelors.

MII Makes studying the word of a God simple and edifying, journaling helps each student to foster a more intimate relationship with the father God and the sermon presentations make the introverts’ extraverts. This level of training goes deep within the core of each student and brings out every hidden talent God has gifted to them. I can personally testify to this. Coming out of this training I was able to touch the lives of many unbelievers and convert them to believers because MII equipped me with the tools I needed for today’s ministry journey,

Thank you MII


See other blog posts in the link below. MII is a ministry to ministers and Bible Institute which features personal ministry, ministerial credentialing, and extension campuses through local churches and other approved locations.